RSVP in Wedding Invitation: Meaning and Etiquette

RSVP in Wedding Invitation: Meaning and Etiquette

RSVP, an acronym for the French phrase "répondez s'il vous plaît," which means "please respond," is a common element in wedding invitations. It serves as a polite request for guests to indicate whether they will attend the wedding and, if so, how many guests will be in their party.

When responding to an RSVP, it's important to follow proper etiquette. Typically, guests have a specific deadline to RSVP, which should be clearly stated on the invitation. To RSVP, guests can often choose from several methods, such as returning a pre-stamped postcard, replying online, or contacting the couple directly.

RSVP in Wedding Invitation

RSVPing to a wedding invitation is an important part of wedding etiquette. Here are nine key points to keep in mind when RSVPing:

  • Respond promptly.
  • Indicate your attendance.
  • Specify the number of guests.
  • Follow the RSVP instructions.
  • Be respectful of the deadline.
  • Contact the couple if needed.
  • Consider dietary restrictions.
  • RSVP even if you can't attend.
  • Be mindful of plus ones.

By following these simple guidelines, you can ensure that your RSVP is both timely and respectful, and that the couple has all the information they need to plan their wedding accordingly.

Respond promptly.

One of the most important RSVP etiquette tips is to respond promptly. This shows the couple that you respect their time and effort, and that you're excited to attend their wedding.

  • Check the RSVP deadline. Most wedding invitations will include an RSVP deadline, which is typically 4-6 weeks before the wedding. It's important to respond by this deadline so that the couple can finalize their guest count and make any necessary arrangements.
  • Don't wait until the last minute. Even if you're not sure if you can attend the wedding yet, it's a good idea to RSVP as soon as possible and let the couple know that you'll update them later if your plans change.
  • Respond even if you can't attend. It's important to RSVP even if you can't attend the wedding. This allows the couple to remove you from their guest count and make other arrangements accordingly.
  • Contact the couple if you have any questions. If you have any questions about the RSVP process or the wedding in general, don't hesitate to contact the couple directly. They'll be happy to help you out.

By responding promptly and following these simple tips, you can show the couple that you care about their wedding and that you're excited to celebrate with them.

Indicate your attendance.

When you RSVP to a wedding invitation, it's important to clearly indicate whether or not you will be attending the wedding. This is typically done by checking a box or filling in a blank on the RSVP card. If you are attending, you should also indicate the number of guests who will be in your party.

It's important to be accurate when indicating your attendance. If you RSVP that you will attend but then later change your plans, be sure to contact the couple as soon as possible to let them know. This will give them time to make other arrangements.

Here are some additional tips for indicating your attendance:

  • If you are attending the wedding, write the number of guests who will be in your party in the space provided on the RSVP card.
  • If you are not attending the wedding, clearly indicate this on the RSVP card. You can write " regrets" or "unable to attend."
  • If you are unsure if you can attend the wedding, you can RSVP "maybe" or "tentatively." Be sure to contact the couple as soon as you know your plans.

By following these simple tips, you can ensure that the couple has all the information they need to plan their wedding accordingly.

Specify the number of guests.

When you RSVP to a wedding invitation, it's important to specify the number of guests who will be in your party. This information is essential for the couple to plan their seating chart and order the correct amount of food and drinks.

  • Count yourself. The first guest you should count is yourself. Even if you're the only one attending from your household, you should still count yourself as one guest.
  • Count your partner. If you're married or in a domestic partnership, you should count your partner as one guest, even if they're not attending the wedding with you.
  • Count your children. If you have any children who are old enough to attend the wedding, you should count them as guests. Typically, children under the age of two do not need to be counted as guests.
  • Count any other guests who will be in your party. If you're bringing any other guests with you, such as a friend or family member, you should count them as guests as well.

Once you've counted all of the guests in your party, write the total number on the RSVP card in the space provided. If you're not sure how many guests will be in your party, you can RSVP "maybe" or "tentatively" and contact the couple later to let them know the exact number.

Follow the RSVP instructions.

Most wedding invitations will include specific RSVP instructions. It's important to follow these instructions carefully to ensure that your RSVP is processed correctly.

  • Check the RSVP deadline. The RSVP deadline is typically printed on the invitation. It's important to respond by this deadline so that the couple can finalize their guest count and make any necessary arrangements.
  • Choose the RSVP method. Most invitations will offer multiple RSVP methods, such as returning a pre-stamped postcard, replying online, or contacting the couple directly. Choose the method that is most convenient for you.
  • Provide all of the requested information. When you RSVP, be sure to provide all of the information that the couple has requested, such as your name, address, and the number of guests in your party.
  • Follow any special instructions. Some couples may include special instructions on their RSVP cards, such as requesting that guests indicate their meal choices or dietary restrictions. Be sure to follow these instructions carefully.

By following the RSVP instructions, you can ensure that your RSVP is processed correctly and that the couple has all the information they need to plan their wedding accordingly.

Be respectful of the deadline.

One of the most important RSVP etiquette tips is to be respectful of the RSVP deadline. This deadline is typically printed on the invitation, and it's important to respond by this date so that the couple can finalize their guest count and make any necessary arrangements.

If you're not sure if you can attend the wedding by the RSVP deadline, it's a good idea to RSVP "maybe" or "tentatively" and contact the couple later to let them know your plans. This will give them time to make other arrangements if necessary.

It's also important to note that the RSVP deadline is not a suggestion. It's a firm deadline, and the couple is counting on you to respond by this date. If you RSVP after the deadline, it may be too late for the couple to make changes to their plans.

Here are some tips for being respectful of the RSVP deadline:

  • Mark the RSVP deadline on your calendar as soon as you receive the invitation.
  • Set a reminder to RSVP a few days before the deadline.
  • If you're not sure if you can attend the wedding by the deadline, RSVP "maybe" or "tentatively" and contact the couple later to let them know your plans.
  • Don't RSVP after the deadline unless you have a very good reason.
By following these tips, you can show the couple that you respect their time and effort, and that you're excited to celebrate with them on their wedding day.

Contact the couple if needed.

If you have any questions about the RSVP process or the wedding in general, don't hesitate to contact the couple directly. They'll be happy to help you out.

  • Ask about dietary restrictions. If you have any dietary restrictions, be sure to contact the couple and let them know. They'll be able to make sure that there are food options available that meet your needs.
  • Inquire about plus ones. If you're not sure if you're allowed to bring a plus one, contact the couple and ask. They'll be able to tell you if plus ones are allowed and, if so, how to RSVP for them.
  • Inform them of any changes. If your plans change and you're no longer able to attend the wedding, be sure to contact the couple as soon as possible to let them know. They'll appreciate the notice and will be able to make other arrangements.
  • Send a gift. If you're unable to attend the wedding, you may want to send a gift to the couple. You can contact them directly to ask what they would like or you can send a gift from their registry.

By contacting the couple if needed, you can ensure that they have all the information they need to plan their wedding accordingly and that you're able to celebrate with them in the way that works best for you.

Consider dietary restrictions.

When you RSVP to a wedding invitation, it's important to consider any dietary restrictions that you or your guests may have. If you have any dietary restrictions, be sure to contact the couple and let them know. They'll be able to make sure that there are food options available that meet your needs.

Here are some tips for considering dietary restrictions when RSVPing to a wedding invitation:

  • Let the couple know about your dietary restrictions. The best way to ensure that your dietary needs are met is to contact the couple and let them know about your restrictions. You can do this by phone, email, or text message.
  • Be specific about your dietary restrictions. Don't just say that you have a food allergy or intolerance. Be specific about what foods you can and cannot eat. This will help the couple to choose food options that are safe for you.
  • Give the couple plenty of notice. The sooner you let the couple know about your dietary restrictions, the better. This will give them time to make the necessary arrangements.
  • Be flexible. It's important to be flexible when it comes to your dietary restrictions. The couple may not be able to accommodate all of your requests, but they will do their best to provide you with food options that you can enjoy.

By following these tips, you can help to ensure that your dietary needs are met at the wedding and that you're able to enjoy the celebration with everyone else.

RSVP even if you can't attend.

Even if you can't attend the wedding, it's important to RSVP. This allows the couple to remove you from their guest count and make other arrangements accordingly.

  • It's polite. RSVPing, even if you can't attend, is the polite thing to do. It shows the couple that you respect their time and effort, and that you're thankful for the invitation.
  • It helps the couple plan. When you RSVP, you're helping the couple to plan their wedding. They need to know how many guests to expect so that they can order the correct amount of food and drinks, and set up the seating chart.
  • It allows the couple to invite someone else. If you can't attend the wedding, your RSVP will allow the couple to invite someone else in your place. This is especially important if the wedding is small and the couple has a limited guest list.
  • It shows that you care. Even if you can't attend the wedding, RSVPing shows the couple that you care about them and their wedding day. It's a simple gesture that can make a big difference.

To RSVP when you can't attend, simply write "regrets" or "unable to attend" on the RSVP card and return it to the couple. You can also RSVP online or by contacting the couple directly.

Be mindful of plus ones.

When you RSVP to a wedding invitation, it's important to be mindful of plus ones. A plus one is a guest that you're allowed to bring with you to the wedding. Typically, plus ones are only allowed if they're specified on the invitation. If you're not sure if you're allowed to bring a plus one, it's best to contact the couple directly.

Here are some tips for being mindful of plus ones when RSVPing to a wedding invitation:

  • Only RSVP for yourself if you're not allowed to bring a plus one. If the invitation doesn't mention plus ones, it's safe to assume that you're not allowed to bring a guest. In this case, only RSVP for yourself.
  • RSVP for your plus one if you're allowed to bring a guest. If the invitation says "and guest" or "plus one," you're allowed to bring a guest. Be sure to RSVP for both yourself and your guest.
  • Provide the name of your plus one. When you RSVP, be sure to provide the name of your plus one. This will help the couple to create a seating chart and make other arrangements.
  • Be respectful of the couple's wishes. If the couple has requested that guests do not bring plus ones, please respect their wishes. This is likely due to space or budget constraints.

By being mindful of plus ones when RSVPing to a wedding invitation, you can show the couple that you respect their wishes and that you're excited to celebrate with them on their wedding day.


Here are some frequently asked questions about RSVPing to wedding invitations:

Question 1: When should I RSVP to a wedding invitation?
Answer: You should RSVP to a wedding invitation as soon as possible, but no later than the RSVP deadline specified on the invitation.

Question 2: How do I RSVP to a wedding invitation?
Answer: You can RSVP to a wedding invitation by returning the RSVP card that came with the invitation, by RSVPing online, or by contacting the couple directly.

Question 3: What should I do if I can't attend the wedding?
Answer: If you can't attend the wedding, you should still RSVP and let the couple know that you won't be able to make it.

Question 4: Can I bring a plus one to the wedding?
Answer: You can only bring a plus one to the wedding if it's specified on the invitation. If you're not sure if you're allowed to bring a plus one, you should contact the couple directly.

Question 5: What should I do if I have dietary restrictions?
Answer: If you have dietary restrictions, you should contact the couple and let them know. They'll be able to make sure that there are food options available that meet your needs.

Question 6: What should I do if I lose the RSVP card?
Answer: If you lose the RSVP card, you can RSVP online or by contacting the couple directly.

Question 7: What should I do if I need to change my RSVP?
Answer: If you need to change your RSVP, you should contact the couple as soon as possible to let them know.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your RSVP is processed correctly and that the couple has all the information they need to plan their wedding accordingly.

In addition to following the RSVP etiquette tips outlined above, here are a few additional tips to help you make a good impression:


Here are a few additional tips to help you make a good impression when RSVPing to a wedding invitation:

  • Respond promptly. The sooner you RSVP, the better. This will give the couple time to finalize their guest count and make any necessary arrangements.
  • Be clear and concise. When you RSVP, be sure to clearly indicate whether or not you will be attending the wedding and, if so, how many guests will be in your party.
  • Be respectful of the RSVP deadline. The RSVP deadline is typically printed on the invitation, and it's important to respond by this date so that the couple can finalize their plans.
  • Contact the couple if you have any questions. If you have any questions about the RSVP process or the wedding in general, don't hesitate to contact the couple directly. They'll be happy to help you out.

By following these tips, you can show the couple that you respect their time and effort, and that you're excited to celebrate with them on their wedding day.

RSVPing to a wedding invitation is a simple but important task. By following the tips outlined in this article, you can ensure that your RSVP is processed correctly and that the couple has all the information they need to plan their wedding accordingly.


RSVPing to a wedding invitation is a simple but important task. By following the tips outlined in this article, you can ensure that your RSVP is processed correctly and that the couple has all the information they need to plan their wedding accordingly.

Here are the main points to remember:

  • Respond promptly.
  • Indicate your attendance clearly.
  • Specify the number of guests in your party.
  • Follow the RSVP instructions.
  • Be respectful of the RSVP deadline.
  • Contact the couple if you have any questions.
  • Consider dietary restrictions.
  • RSVP even if you can't attend.
  • Be mindful of plus ones.

By following these simple tips, you can show the couple that you respect their time and effort, and that you're excited to celebrate with them on their wedding day.

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