Game of thrones wedding

Game of thrones wedding

The Game of thrones wedding was a major event in the series, and it was one of the most controversial. The wedding took place in the penultimate episode of season 3, and it was between Daenerys Targaryen and Khal[];Drogo. The wedding was a political move on Daenerys' part, as she was trying to win the support of the Dothrakis. However, the wedding night was a brutal affair, and Khal Drago forced himself on Daenerys. The wedding was a turning point in Daenerys' character, as it was the event that truly made her a warrior.

The wedding was also significant because it was the first time that we saw Daenerys' true power. She was able to withstand the pain of being forced, and she was able to kill Khal Drago in the end. This showed that Daenerys was not the weak and fragile woman that she had seemed to be. She was a powerful warrior, and she was not afraid to use her power.

The Game of thrones wedding was a major event in the series, and it had a significant impact on Daenerys' character. It was the event that turned her into the warrior that she became, and it was the event that set her on the path to becoming the Queen of the Andals and the First Men.

Game of Thrones Wedding

The Game of Thrones wedding was a major event in the series, and it had a significant impact on the story. Here are 9 important points about the wedding:

  • Political move for Daenerys
  • Khal Drogo forced himself on Daenerys
  • Turning point in Daenerys' character
  • Showed Daenerys' true power
  • Killed Khal Drogo
  • Set Daenerys on the path to becoming Queen
  • Controversial event
  • Major event in the series
  • Had a significant impact on the story

The Game of Thrones wedding was a complex and controversial event, but it was also a major turning point in the series. It was the event that truly made Daenerys a warrior, and it was the event that set her on the path to becoming the Queen of the Andals and the First Men.

Political move for Daenerys

The wedding between Daenerys Targaryen and Khal Drogo was a political move on Daenerys' part. She was trying to win the support of the Dothrakis, a powerful nomadic people who controlled a large part of Essos. Daenerys believed that if she could marry Khal Drogo, she would be able to use his army to conquer Westeros and claim the Iron Throne.

The Dothrakis are a patriarchal society, and women have very little power. However, Daenerys was able to convince Khal Drogo to marry her by promising him that she would bear him a son. Daenerys knew that a son would be important to Khal Drogo, as it would ensure the continuation of his line. Khal Drogo was also impressed by Daenerys' strength and determination, and he agreed to marry her.

The wedding was a lavish affair, and it was attended by many of the most powerful Dothraki leaders. Daenerys used the wedding to her advantage, and she was able to win the support of many of the Dothraki. She also used the wedding to learn more about the Dothraki culture and their way of life.

The political move paid off for Daenerys. After the wedding, Khal Drogo gave her a large army, and she was able to use it to conquer several cities in Essos. Daenerys' success in Essos gave her the confidence and the resources that she needed to eventually invade Westeros and claim the Iron Throne.

Khal Drogo forced himself on Daenerys

The wedding night between Daenerys Targaryen and Khal Drogo was a brutal affair. Khal Drogo was drunk and violent, and he forced himself on Daenerys. Daenerys was terrified and in pain, but she was unable to resist Khal Drogo's strength. This event was a turning point in Daenerys' character, as it was the event that truly made her a warrior.

Daenerys had always been a strong and independent woman, but she had never been forced to fight for her own survival. The wedding night with Khal Drogo changed that. Daenerys realized that she could not rely on anyone else to protect her, and she had to learn to fight for herself.

Daenerys began to train in secret, and she quickly became a skilled warrior. She also began to develop a plan to escape from Khal Drogo and the Dothraki. Daenerys knew that she could not defeat Khal Drogo in a fair fight, but she was determined to find a way to escape his clutches.

Daenerys' plan eventually came to fruition, and she was able to escape from Khal Drogo and the Dothraki. She went on to become one of the most powerful and respected leaders in the world, and she never forgot the lessons that she learned on her wedding night.

Turning point in Daenerys' character

The wedding night between Daenerys Targaryen and Khal Drogo was a turning point in Daenerys' character. This event had a profound impact on Daenerys, and it shaped her into the powerful and respected leader that she became.

  • Daenerys realized that she could not rely on anyone else to protect her.

    Before her wedding night, Daenerys had always been protected by others. Her brother, Viserys, had always been there to look after her, and she had never had to fight for her own survival. However, on her wedding night, Daenerys realized that she could not rely on anyone else to protect her. Khal Drogo was a brutal and violent man, and he did not care about Daenerys' well-being. Daenerys realized that she had to learn to fight for herself if she wanted to survive.

  • Daenerys began to develop a plan to escape from Khal Drogo and the Dothraki.

    After her wedding night, Daenerys knew that she could not stay with Khal Drogo. She knew that she had to escape if she wanted to survive. Daenerys began to develop a plan to escape, and she eventually succeeded in doing so.

  • Daenerys became a skilled warrior.

    In order to survive, Daenerys knew that she had to learn how to fight. She began to train in secret, and she quickly became a skilled warrior. Daenerys' fighting skills helped her to escape from Khal Drogo and the Dothraki, and they also helped her to become a respected leader.

  • Daenerys never forgot the lessons that she learned on her wedding night.

    The lessons that Daenerys learned on her wedding night stayed with her for the rest of her life. She never forgot the importance of being able to fight for herself, and she never forgot the importance of being able to escape from danger.

The wedding night between Daenerys Targaryen and Khal Drogo was a traumatic event, but it also had a positive impact on Daenerys' character. It made her a stronger, more independent, and more determined woman. Daenerys never forgot the lessons that she learned on her wedding night, and she used them to become one of the most powerful and respected leaders in the world.

Showed Daenerys' true power

The wedding night between Daenerys Targaryen and Khal Drogo was a brutal affair, but it also showed Daenerys' true power. Despite being forced into the marriage and being raped by Khal Drogo, Daenerys was able to withstand the pain and humiliation. She also managed to kill Khal Drogo, which showed that she was not the weak and fragile woman that she had seemed to be.

Daenerys' true power lies in her resilience and her determination. She is able to overcome any obstacle that is put in her way, and she never gives up on her goals. Daenerys is also a natural leader, and she is able to inspire others to follow her. She is a powerful and dangerous enemy, and she should not be underestimated.

The wedding night with Khal Drogo was a turning point in Daenerys' life. It was the event that truly made her a warrior, and it was the event that set her on the path to becoming the Queen of the Andals and the First Men.

Daenerys' true power is not just in her physical strength or her magical abilities. Her true power lies in her spirit. She is a survivor, and she is a fighter. Daenerys will never give up on her dreams, and she will never let anyone stand in her way.

### Killed Khal Drogo Daenerys killed Khal Drogo by suffocating him to death on their wedding night. She did this because he had become abusive towards her and she feared for her life. #### Here are some of the reasons why Daenerys killed Khal Drogo: - He had become increasingly violent and unpredictable. - He had threatened to kill her if she did not give him a son. - He had refused to listen to her pleas for mercy. - She feared for her life and the lives of her unborn child. Daenerys's decision to kill Khal Drogo was a difficult one, but she ultimately believed that it was the right thing to do. She knew that he would never change his ways, and she was not willing to live in fear anymore. Daenerys's act of killing Khal Drogo was a turning point in her character development. It showed that she was no longer the innocent young woman that she had been at the beginning of the series. She had become a strong and independent woman who was willing to do whatever it took to protect herself and her loved ones.### Set Daenerys on the path to becoming Queen Daenerys' wedding to Khal Drogo set her on the path to becoming Queen in several ways: - **It gave her a powerful army.** Khal Drogo was the leader of a vast and powerful army, and when Daenerys married him, she gained control of that army. This gave her the military strength that she needed to conquer Westeros and claim the Iron Throne. - **It gave her a political alliance.** The Dothraki were a powerful nomadic people, and their alliance with Daenerys gave her a strong political base. This helped her to gain the support of other powerful lords and ladies in Westeros. - **It gave her legitimacy.** As the widow of Khal Drogo, Daenerys was seen as a legitimate heir to his throne. This gave her a claim to the Iron Throne that was stronger than that of many other claimants. - **It gave her confidence.** Daenerys' marriage to Khal Drogo gave her the confidence that she needed to lead. She learned how to command an army, how to negotiate with other leaders, and how to rule a people. This experience prepared her for the challenges that she would face as Queen of Westeros. Daenerys' wedding to Khal Drogo was a turning point in her life. It set her on the path to becoming Queen, and it gave her the power and the experience that she needed to rule Westeros.### Controversial event The wedding between Daenerys Targaryen and Khal Drogo was a controversial event for a number of reasons. - **It was a political marriage.** Daenerys married Khal Drogo in order to gain the support of the Dothraki, a powerful nomadic people. This marriage was seen by some as a betrayal of her own people, as she was essentially selling herself to a foreign warlord. - **It was a forced marriage.** Daenerys did not consent to the marriage, and she was essentially raped by Khal Drogo on their wedding night. This made the marriage even more controversial, as it was seen as a violation of Daenerys's human rights. - **It was a brutal marriage.** Khal Drogo was a violent and abusive man, and he treated Daenerys with contempt. The marriage was full of physical and emotional abuse, and it is no wonder that Daenerys eventually killed Khal Drogo. The wedding between Daenerys Targaryen and Khal Drogo was a complex and controversial event. It was a political move that gave Daenerys the power that she needed to conquer Westeros, but it was also a personal tragedy for Daenerys. The marriage was full of violence and abuse, and it ultimately led to Khal Drogo's death. Despite the controversy surrounding it, the wedding between Daenerys Targaryen and Khal Drogo was a turning point in the story of Game of Thrones. It set Daenerys on the path to becoming Queen, and it gave her the strength and the experience that she needed to rule Westeros.### ******************************Important** **This is the end of the free trial.** **To continue reading, please consider subscribing.** **[Subscription Button]** ... ### ******************Important ****This is the start of the paid content.** **[Subscription Button]** ... ### ******************Important ****This is the end of the paid content.**### Had a significant impact on the story The wedding between Daenerys Targaryen and Khal Drogo had a significant impact on the story of Game of Thrones in several ways: - **It set Daenerys on the path to becoming Queen.** Daenerys' marriage to Khal Drogo gave her the power and the experience that she needed to conquer Westeros and claim the Iron Throne. - **It created a powerful alliance between the Dothraki and the Targaryens.** The Dothraki were a powerful nomadic people, and their alliance with Daenerys gave her a strong military force that she could use to conquer Westeros. - **It led to the death of Khal Drogo.** Khal Drogo was a powerful and charismatic leader, but he was also a violent and abusive man. His death removed a major obstacle from Daenerys' path to power. - **It changed Daenerys' character.** The wedding night with Khal Drogo was a traumatic event for Daenerys, but it also made her a stronger and more determined woman. She learned to fight for herself and to never give up on her goals. The wedding between Daenerys Targaryen and Khal Drogo was a turning point in the story of Game of Thrones. It set Daenerys on the path to becoming Queen, and it had a significant impact on the characters and events of the story.### FAQ

**Here are some frequently asked questions about the Game of Thrones wedding:**

Question 1: Why did Daenerys marry Khal Drogo?
Answer: Daenerys married Khal Drogo in order to gain the support of the Dothraki, a powerful nomadic people. She believed that if she could marry Khal Drogo, she would be able to use his army to conquer Westeros and claim the Iron Throne.

Question 2: Was Daenerys' marriage to Khal Drogo a happy one?
Answer: No, Daenerys' marriage to Khal Drogo was not a happy one. Khal Drogo was a violent and abusive man, and he treated Daenerys with contempt. The marriage was full of physical and emotional abuse, and it is no wonder that Daenerys eventually killed Khal Drogo.

Question 3: How did Daenerys kill Khal Drogo?
Answer: Daenerys killed Khal Drogo by suffocating him to death on their wedding night. She did this because he had become abusive towards her and she feared for her life.

Question 4: What was the significance of the wedding between Daenerys and Khal Drogo?
Answer: The wedding between Daenerys and Khal Drogo was a significant event in the story of Game of Thrones. It set Daenerys on the path to becoming Queen, and it gave her the power and the experience that she needed to rule Westeros.

Question 5: How did the wedding between Daenerys and Khal Drogo impact the story of Game of Thrones?
Answer: The wedding between Daenerys and Khal Drogo had a significant impact on the story of Game of Thrones. It set Daenerys on the path to becoming Queen, and it created a powerful alliance between the Dothraki and the Targaryens. It also led to the death of Khal Drogo, which removed a major obstacle from Daenerys' path to power.

Question 6: What is the legacy of the wedding between Daenerys and Khal Drogo?
Answer: The wedding between Daenerys and Khal Drogo is a complex and controversial event. It is a reminder of the brutality and violence of the world of Game of Thrones, but it is also a story of hope and redemption. Daenerys' journey from abused wife to powerful queen is an inspiration to us all.

**We hope this FAQ has answered some of your questions about the Game of Thrones wedding. If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask in the comments below.**

**Now that we've answered some of your questions about the Game of Thrones wedding, here are a few tips for planning your own wedding.**

### Tips

**Here are a few tips for planning your own Game of Thrones-themed wedding:**

**Tip 1: Choose a venue that fits the theme.** A castle or a forest would be a great choice for a Game of Thrones-themed wedding. You could even hold your wedding in a real castle, if you can find one that is available for rent.

**Tip 2: Choose a dress that is fit for a queen.** Daenerys Targaryen's wedding dress was a beautiful and elaborate gown. If you want to dress like a queen on your wedding day, you should choose a dress that is similar to hers. You can also add a fur cloak or a crown to complete the look.

**Tip 3: Serve food and drinks that are fit for a king.** The food and drinks at your Game of Thrones-themed wedding should be fit for royalty. Consider serving dishes like roasted boar, venison stew, and dragon's breath cocktails.

**Tip 4: Hire a bard to play music at your wedding.** A bard is a musician who plays traditional medieval instruments. Hiring a bard to play music at your wedding will help to create a truly authentic Game of Thrones atmosphere.

**We hope these tips have helped you to plan your own Game of Thrones-themed wedding. With a little bit of planning, you can create a wedding that is both beautiful and unique.**

**Now that you have planned your Game of Thrones-themed wedding, all that remains is to enjoy your special day. We hope that you have a wedding that is as beautiful and unique as the Seven Kingdoms themselves.**

### Conclusion

The wedding between Daenerys Targaryen and Khal Drogo was a major event in the story of Game of Thrones. It was a political move that gave Daenerys the power that she needed to conquer Westeros, but it was also a personal tragedy for Daenerys. The marriage was full of violence and abuse, and it ultimately led to Khal Drogo's death.

Despite the controversy surrounding it, the wedding between Daenerys Targaryen and Khal Drogo was a turning point in the story of Game of Thrones. It set Daenerys on the path to becoming Queen, and it gave her the strength and the experience that she needed to rule Westeros. Daenerys' journey from abused wife to powerful queen is an inspiration to us all. It shows us that no matter what obstacles we face in life, we can overcome them with strength and determination.

The wedding between Daenerys Targaryen and Khal Drogo is a reminder of the brutality and violence of the world of Game of Thrones, but it is also a story of hope and redemption. Daenerys' journey is a testament to the power of the human spirit. It shows us that even in the darkest of times, we can find the strength to fight for a better future.

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